Reteid Resflet*25 Open Sources 7.3
Enlarge Your World! — OPEC Fund for International Development called for an international competition for the design of a Logo to replace the institution’s current Logo and Text. — Leading the Conversation of Energy:

© Dieter Telfser 2005 for OPEC Fund for International Development. — The Fund invited to an international competition for the design of a Logo to replace the institution’s current »Globe« Logo and Text. This Presentation has been created 08 | 09 | 2005. All Wording, Concepts and Artwork are copywrited by the Author. Any review, dissemination or other use of this 49 pages, by persons or entities other than The OPEC Fund for International Development, is prohibited.
The first law of Thermodynamics says that the total inflow of energy into a system must equal the total outflow of energy from the system, plus the change in the energy contained within the system. This law is used in all branches of physics, but frequently violated by quantum mechanics and relates the conservation of energy to the time invariance of physical laws.

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries [OPEC] is a permanent, intergovernmental Organization, created at the Baghdad Conference in 1960, by Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. The five Founding Members were later joined by eight other Members: Qatar [1961]; Indonesia [1962]; Socialist Peoples Libyan Arab Jamahiriya [1962]; United Arab Emirates [1967]; Algeria [1969]; Nigeria [1971]; Ecuador [1973 – 1992] and Gabon [1975 – 1994]. OPEC had its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, in the first five years of its existence. Then it moved to Vienna, Austria, 1965. OPEC’s objective is to co-ordinate and unify petroleum policies amongst Member Countries, in order to secure fair and stable prices for petroleum producers; an efficient, economic and regular supply of petroleum to consuming nations; and a fair return on capital to those investing in the industry.

The OPEC Fund for International Development was conceived at the Conference of the Sovereigns and Heads of State of OPEC member countries, which was held in Algiers, Algeria, in March 1975. A Solemn Declaration of the Conference »reaffirmed the natural solidarity which unites OPEC countries with other developing countries in their struggle to overcome underdevelopment,« and called for measures to strengthen cooperation between these countries. The OPEC Fund aims at promoting cooperations between OPEC Fund Member States and other developing countries as an expression of South-South solidarity, helping particularly the poorer, low-income countries in their pursuit of social and economic advancement.

The OPEC Fund extends concessionary financing in the form of loans for development projects and programs and for balance of payment support. It provides grants in support of technical assistance, food aid, research and studies and for humanitarian emergency relief. The Fund also contributes to the resources of other development institutions whose work benefits developing countries. Furthermore, the Fund participates in the financing of private sector activities in developing countries.

Making the Difference. — Energy is a fundamental quantity that every physical system possesses. Energy is defined as the amount of work required to change the state of a physical system. In simple words: »Energy is change or the potential to change«, however, this leaves out many important examples of energy as it exists in the physical world.
© Dieter Telfser 2005 for OPEC Fund for International Development. — The Fund invited to an international competition for the design of a Logo to replace the institution’s current »Globe« Logo and Text. This Presentation has been created 08 | 09 | 2005. All Wording, Concepts and Artwork are copywrited by the Author. Any review, dissemination or other use of this 49 pages, by persons or entities other than The OPEC Fund for International Development, is prohibited.
The Potential to change. — In physics and engineering, energy conversion is any process of converting energy from one form to another. Morphing this Meta in biology means a physical development of the individual after birth or hatching involving significant change in form as well as growth and differentiation. It usually accompanies a change of habitat or of habits but may occur without such a change. Modifications that affect early steps of a visual system will usually require modifications in all later steps and are therefore less likely to succeed. Most of the successful changes will thus affect the later stages of the system, and the system will thus retain to earlier steps.
© Dieter Telfser 2005 for OPEC Fund for International Development. — Examples of Communication: basically you cannot, not communicate, but when you bring things together, it means just to merge taste and content synergetically. Nature at work! — The Fund called for an an international competition for the design of a Logo to replace the institution’s current »Globe« Logo and Text. This Presentation has been created 08 | 09 | 2005. All Wording, Concepts and Artwork are copyrighted by the Author. Any review, dissemination or other use of this 49 pages, by persons or entities other than The OPEC Fund for International Development, is prohibited.
Social Stigmata, smoothing the Complexity. — A dash of Character, a dash of Charisma: a charismatic visual has a certain quality of individual personality, by virtue of which s/he is set apart from ordinary people and treated as endowed with supernatural, superhuman, or at least specifically exceptional powers or qualities. These virtues are not accessible to the ordinary person, but are regarded as of divine origin or as exemplary, and based thereupon the individual concerned is treated as a leader. [Max Weber] Non separating between Sign and Typeface means that there is a nondualistic mental status in OPEC’s nature of reality:
© Dieter Telfser 2005 for OPEC Fund for International Development. — Examples of Communication: basically you cannot, not communicate, but when you bring things together, it means just to merge taste and content synergetically. Nature at work! — The Fund called for an an international competition for the design of a Logo to replace the institution’s current »Globe« Logo and Text. This Presentation has been created 08 | 09 | 2005. All Wording, Concepts and Artwork are copyrighted by the Author. Any review, dissemination or other use of this 49 pages, by persons or entities other than The OPEC Fund for International Development, is prohibited.
Design in that sense »is the method of putting form and content together. Design, just as art, has multiple definitions, there is no exclusive definition. Design can be art, but does not have to be. Design can be æsthetics. Design is so simple, that’s why it is so complicated.« [Paul Rand]. Virtually all distinctive design elements related to faces can become subjects:
© Dieter Telfser 2005 for OPEC Fund for International Development. — Examples of Communication: basically you cannot, not communicate, but when you bring things together, it means just to merge taste and content synergetically. Nature at work! — The Fund called for an an international competition for the design of a Logo to replace the institution’s current »Globe« Logo and Text. This Presentation has been created 08 | 09 | 2005. All Wording, Concepts and Artwork are copyrighted by the Author. Any review, dissemination or other use of this 49 pages, by persons or entities other than The OPEC Fund for International Development, is prohibited.
Facing it Continental:Foundry Sterling designed by »The Foundry« in London. Originally set up in 1990, they function as an independent type foundry in design, production and marketing of a range of exclusive fonts to designers worldwide. Foundry Sterling is used for preliminary layout purpose only and is courtesy of Freda Sack. — Colour and Mood. Human emotional mood is a measurable affective state, which can consist of a combination of emotions. In »normal functioning«, moods are largely and adaptively influenced by external events. The Opec Fund could become a very interpersonal conversational energy:
© Dieter Telfser 2005 for OPEC Fund for International Development. — Examples of Communication: basically you cannot, not communicate, but when you bring things together, it means just to merge taste and content synergetically. Nature at work! — The Fund called for an an international competition for the design of a Logo to replace the institution’s current »Globe« Logo and Text. This Presentation has been created 08 | 09 | 2005. All Wording, Concepts and Artwork are copyrighted by the Author. Any review, dissemination or other use of this 49 pages, by persons or entities other than The OPEC Fund for International Development, is prohibited.
Enlarge your world! — Leading the Conversation of Energy. Leading means creating a shared culture and values, communicating goals to audience throughout the organization; evoking the desire to perform at a high level platform. Here is my complete presentation handed out to OPEC Fund on 13 | 09 with concept, wording, thoughts and images to make them one of the most efficiently leading conversation organisations in the world:

© Dieter Telfser 2005 for OPEC Fund for International Development. — The Fund invited to an international competition for the design of a Logo to replace the institution’s current »Globe« Logo and Text. This Presentation has been created 08 | 09 | 2005. All Wording, Concepts and Artwork are copywrited by the Author. Any review, dissemination or other use of this 49 pages, by persons or entities other than The OPEC Fund for International Development, is prohibited.
© the opec fund redesign 2005

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© Dieter Telfser 2005

Legal Notice: All wording, concepts and artwork are copyrighted by the Author. Any review, dissemination or other use of these 49 pages by persons or entities other than The OPEC Fund for International Development, is prohibited. Special Thanks to Clemens Theobert Schedler | Büro für Konkrete Gestaltung for motivating me to do this work.

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Mission Critical Behavior. Moisturizing Lucient Prismatic Thoughts. Über die Unsicherheiten in zeitgemäßen Plänen, die den realen Ideen auf die Sprünge helfen sollten. — George, was denken Sie, was Sie jetzt tun möchten? Ihre Mission scheint zu wichtig, als dass ich es Ihnen erlauben könnte, sie zu gefährden.

© Dieter Telfser 2005. <a href="">Mission Critical Behavior.</a> Moisturizing Lucient Prismatic Thoughts. Über die Unsicherheiten in zeitgemäßen Plänen, die den realen Ideen auf die Sprünge helfen sollten. — George, was denken Sie, was Sie jetzt tun möchten? Ihre Mission scheint zu wichtig, als dass ich es Ihnen erlauben könnte, sie zu gefährden.
Unruhen dienen der geplanten Neuformierung der Welt in eine Richtung die recht intensive Formen des Zeitgeschehens anzunehmen scheint. Das jene von Menschen gemacht werden um Menschen zu mehr Menschen zu machen, übersieht man gerne auf Grund der vordergründigen Kosten. Ohne die Ernsthaftigkeit der Sache ins Lächerliche ziehen zu wollen, möchte ich Hal das Helle auf Grund seiner dramaturgischen Kompetenz ins Spiel bringen, denn ein Großteil der gewünschten Syntax over there könnte tatsächlich aus der Feder von Arthur C. Clarke stammen.

Aber nicht nur, denn sollte sich nach der immer noch im Gange befindlichen terrestrischen Neuformierung des Planeten, endlich wieder neue Erde zum Bepflanzen finden, könnte es durchaus knapp werden mit der Grenze zur Omnipotenz im OuterSpace. Ja, vielleicht wird die kugelförmige Sphäre sogar oval oder elliptischer denn je? Ich denke es kommt ganz auf die Menge der akzeptierten Standpunkte und der Eleganz und Kultur der Gewichtungen an, wann und wie wir uns dann mit realen Abständen befassen können.

Die Idee hinter Mission Critical? — Neben dem aus der Sience Fiction Welt gesogenen Spieltrieb der alleinigen Weltherrschaft, der Gegenpol auf der Suche nach genau jenem Code der monumentale Einsamkeit verhindern sollte. Zu den MCApplications bringt jene relationale und ziel gesteuerte Sprache, der sich scheinbar autoformierenden Selbstkritik ganz neue Formen der Verbreitung. Mission Critical ist mittlerweile alles was sich sonst nicht so gut bemessen lassen würde, da man dahinter immer mehr als nur einen Plan, und vielmehr eine ganzes Set an Möglichkeiten vermutet. Ein sehr patriarchales Kartenspiel mit ungeahnt realer Bedeutung für alle Entscheidungsnehmer.

Die Unsicherheit, sprich risikosteigernde Umleitung bei diesem Spiel kommt aus einem logistisch noch nicht ummünzbaren Verfolgen einer Strategie zum Erheben von visueller, sprachlicher manipulativer und rationaler Intelligenz. Was immer die Basis für solche wissenschaftlichen Erhebungen bildet, es bleibt der Versuch menschliche Nähe mit Licht zu verwerten. Und trotzdem finden sich die einzelnen Standpunkte nur selten am Tisch, als vielmehr vor den Linsen der Meinungs-Scan-Systeme.

Der Plan gegen kulturelle Aggression mit einem aggressiven System Freundlichkeit und ein frei verständliches Konzept zu verbreiten, ist kostspieliger als eine sich wiederholende religiöse Allegorie. Aber wäre der Plan ein Plan gewesen, hätte das Ziel nie gesucht werden müssen. Auf mich persönlich wirkt die schaukelhafte Neugewichtung der wirtschaftlichen und politischen Verschiebungen wie eine Vorstellung ohne Zuschauer, denn welche Richtlinien auch immer dafür gelten; kommuniziert wird ein System, aber nicht sein anscheinend geheimer Inhalt.

Ob sich welche Mittel zur Fortbildung eines sich selbst ständig überfordernden Weltheilungsprozesses am Besten eignen, ist noch nicht entschieden. Derzeit heiligt der vordergründige Zweck die medialsten Mittel und das mit voller Wucht. Fast so, als würden Chamäleons durch unsere Porzellansalons ziehen um zu riechen, ob denn dort noch was für sie zum Assimilieren gibt. Jenes Bild ist aber so kindlich und nativ ehrlich in seiner Vorstellung, dass man es vom Fleck weg einfach unterstützen möchte.

Ja, es sollte jene Art von Frieden gelebt werden dürfen, welcher für die- und denjenigen als die richtigste Form dafür erscheint. Konzentriertere, sich weniger wiederholende Nachrichten über die Richtungen dieser Welt, könnten dabei helfen wertvolle Zeit und Ressourcen zu sparen, denn den großen Schmieden unserer Phantasiespender geht, glaube ich, genauso das Geld aus, wie den Spendern selbst.

Es wird wohl mehr als ein heißer Herbst.
© Dieter Telfser 2005

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