Reteid Resflet*25 Open Sources 7.3
Thursday, 17. March 2005
Bœuf Intrusif Ambiental! — Forests art of kissing the Future Synaptically. Streaming Stars im Interview mit dem Meister des öffentlichen Privilegs der musischen Individualität onaironline. Handpicked gravity-skills in incredible moods! Die Kunst der zeitverschobenen Verbindung von Gefühlen.

© Dieter Telfser 2005. <a href="">Forest @</a> Bœuf Intrusif Ambiental. Forests art of kissing the Future Synaptically. Streaming Stars im Interview mit dem Meister des öffentlichen Privilegs der musischen Individualität onaironline. Handpicked gravity-skills in incredible moods! Die Kunst der zeitverschobenen Verbindung von Gefühlen. Siehe auch: <a href="">Story 3482</a>
RadioIo Ambient zu entdecken war kein Zufall. Als ich die »unmögliche« Stimme das erste mal hörte, war ich ergriffen von seiner Dramaturgie und Ernsthaftigkeit zu gleichen Teilen. Die gestreamte Welle düste in meine Seele und traf mehr als nur meine Ohren, als vielmehr mein gesamtes Empfinden für die situationsgerecht aufbereitete Sensorik. Kurz, tat es mehr als gut endlich einen kommerzfreien Sender mit stimmungsmachenden Inhalten einfach nur als Beigabe ganz für mich haben zu dürfen. Seitdem lerne ich von der Intelligenz seiner Mischungen.

Er gewährte mir ein Interview für

DT: © Dieter Telfser 2005 How to get »No Boundaries« personal, I mean how do you find the music?

© Dieter Telfser 2005 FS: Many individual artists and small record labels from all over the world send me their music to consider for the program. I also hear about things and then seek them out. I try to pick music that is evocative - that touches people when they listen. It is a personal experience for the listener so sometimes I succeed and sometimes I do not. It is always music that I like however.

DT: © Dieter Telfser 2005 Does commercial-free broadcasting limit your programming?

© Dieter Telfser 2005 FS: No, it is the opposite really. My programming works in both commercial free and commercial broadcasting, though the commercials can interrupt the flow and mood of the sets. So if anything limits the listening experience it is the commercials that some listeners hear.

DT: © Dieter Telfser 2005 What's your skill in finding and programming Ambient that is evocative?

© Dieter Telfser 2005 FS: I prefer to call it »Exotic Electronica.« What sets my programming apart - or at least I like to think so, is its evocative quality. My taste in music is personal but it appeals to many others. Think of me as a sound painter and my palet is filled with all these different colors of songs. I mix them together in my own artistic way and hopefully they will be experienced as both mesmerizing and evocative for the majority of listeners.

DT: © Dieter Telfser 2005 Did any extreme life experiences effect how you feel about or program?

© Dieter Telfser 2005 FS: Not really. I have liked many styles of music throughout my life and this »Exotic Electronica« is what I specialize in. This music has impacted my life more than my life impacting the music.

DT: © Dieter Telfser 2005 Is there a message for your European listeners?

© Dieter Telfser 2005 FS: I love Europe and my grandparents are from Italy on one side of my family and the UK on the other side. I respect the European attitude toward life. I think that Europeans should know that many of us here in the USA have no use for many of the political pursuits of our country. We are all citizens of the world first. We are all one and must learn to get along. Read »The Four Agreements« by Don Miguel Ruiz and apply them first to your individual life and then to the situation of the world. Buy music on the Waveform label too! :)

DT: © Dieter Telfser 2005 Could you describe a key-personal dream?

© Dieter Telfser 2005 FS: I just had a dream this morning when I was working afternoon drive at a radio station where I first started airing my Musical Starstreams program back in 1981. In the dream my show started at 3pm in the afternoon and my first song was by the Youngbloods - »Darkness, Darkness.«

DT: © Dieter Telfser 2005 What are your future plans?

© Dieter Telfser 2005 FS: I would like to find partners or investors who want to help me spread this music worldwide. I would like to find radio stations in Europe that would let me program full time for them. My plan is to spread the music as much as I can.

Please visit the websites:

<a href="">Forest @</a> Bœuf Intrusif Ambiental. Forests art of kissing the Future Synaptically. Streaming Stars im Interview mit dem Meister des öffentlichen Privilegs der musischen Individualität onaironline. Handpicked gravity-skills in incredible moods! Die Kunst der zeitverschobenen Verbindung von Gefühlen. Siehe auch: <a href="">Story 3482</a>
Forest: I Think - Therefore I Ambient!

Thank you Forest!
© Dieter Telfser 2005

© Dieter Telfser 2024 — > Reteid Resflet*24 Open Sources — Ein Netzwerk für mehr Bewegkraft in der Gestaltung! — Mehr Kante, weniger Business für mehr Zufriedenheit miteinander und füreinander!
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